Monday, August 10, 2009

Fabulous Freesia

Saturday's post on stephonotis got me to thinking about other sweet-smelling flowers. It's funny how different flower smells affect different people. There are some people who order flower arrangements based on how long the flowers will last: carnations, daisies, anthurium. They feel they get more for their money with flowers that hang around for a while. There are also those who order a flower arrangement and specifically ask that certain flowers are not put in because of their smell, lilies are probably the most noted flower. I am among these people. I can't abide the smell of lilies. And then, there are the people who order an arrangement with flowers specifically for their smell: roses, lavender, stock, and freesia come to mind. Freesia is one of those flowers that not many people really ask for, but those who know, freesia with it delicate purple flowers and perfumy smell are always a great addition to an arrangement. The symbolic meaning of freesia is one of sweetness, friendship and trust which makes it appropriate for many occasions.

We had an arrangement the other day for a woman who was turning 109 years old! It is incredible to me to even think about living that long. I don't know if she has lived her entire life in this area, but if she has I find it amazing at all of the changes that have taken place in her lifetime. All of the changes in technology, television, and cars! She has lived longer than the flower shop has been in existence as we are celebrating only 70 years this year. In that time, the shop has moved three times, but we have stayed on the same street! We have seen the tire companies come and go and with them many people. But we have learned to change with the times, redirecting our focus and finding new customers. It makes me wonder what the shop will be like if it makes it to 109! I hope I am still around to find out!

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