Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hot Pink Peony

One of the most dramatic flowers seen in gardens and in flower shops is the peony. I know that many people consider the peony to be an old-fashioned kind of flower, but they really are quite a show-stopper. I have a neighbor who has a whole hedge made out of peonies and when the bloom her whole side yard is transformed by these enormous flowers. Peonies used to be a typical flower for weddings but I don't think that they are used as much as they once were, but they are symbolic of riches and good luck which make them quite appropriate for any wedding bouquet. Because they are so large it sometimes is harder to use them in a regular flower arrangement.

Our flower shop has an order every year for a particularly large wreath for a gathering of people in our town. This is a major event that is attended every year by thousands of people from all over the world. My brother always makes this particular wreath and I think that he outdid himself this year. He used three large groupings of different types of flowers on different sections of the wreath. There was one grouping of white with large lilies and stock serving as the major flowers for that section. There was also a grouping of blue with delphinium and iris for the main flowers. At the top of the wreath was a large grouping of the most beautiful hot pink peonies. Some of the flowers were as big as a babies head! It was one of the best things that I have seen come out of our shop. I was so proud because I got to help deliver it and listen to the wonderful comments of all of the people who saw it. I really love and appreciate days like that!

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