Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yellow Daisy

If orchids are the debutantes of the flower shop, daisies are the Eliza Doolittles. They make look small and plain, but many arrangements would be nothing without them. Daisies are the workhorse of the shop. They can be used as the main flower of an arrangement. Many people insist on them because of their long-lasting quality, but they are also just a fun flower that makes you smile when you see it. They can also be the backup to other flowers, used to fill in the blanks in many arrangements. The nice thing about daisies by the stem is that you usually get at least four or five nice flowers per stem and many times they are very nicely staggered on that stem.

I am reminded as I am getting ready to leave the flower shop at the end of summer yet again, and getting ready to go back to school, how sometimes we take the things around us for granted. Daisies are like that. We don't spend a lot of time really thinking about them, yet they are always there for us, ready to make us smile. We use the word "daisy" to refer to young girl scouts before they even get to be "brownies", because they are so fresh of face and cute. The meaning behind the daisy is one of innocence. That fits the daisy perfectly. It makes it a great flower to give to anyone and it is perfect for all occasions. So send someone some daisies, just because!

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